Practice Meetings
Tuesday Oct 5, 8:30am
Friday Nov 8, 7:00pm
This Week’s Koan
Book of Serenity #91, Blue Cliff Record #40
Nanquan’s “This Flower”
The high official Lu and Nanquan were talking and paused.
Lu said “Dharma Master Zhao says, ‘Heaven, Earth, and I are the same root. The 10,000 things and I are one body.’ Ha, how strange.”
Nanquan pointed to a flower in front of the hall. He called to the high official and said, “Nowadays people see this single flower as if it looks like an appearance in a dream.”
Verse Hearing, seeing, feeling, and knowing are not each separate. Mountains and rivers cannot be observed in the middle of a mirror. When the moon in the frosty heaven sets in the middle of the night, Who shares the shining cold reflection in the clear and still deep pool?