Practice Meetings
Tuesday Nov 12, 8:30am
Friday Nov 15, 7:00pm
This Week’s Koan
Blue Cliff Record #69
Nanquan Draws a Circle
Nanquan, Guizong, and Magu together went to do customary respects to National Teacher Zhong. Stopping half way, Nanquan drew the image of one circle on top of the dirt and said, “If you’re able to say then we’ll leave.”
Guizong sat in the middle of the circle image. Magu then did the bow of a woman.
Quan said, “Is it like this? The standard is not to leave!”
Guizong said, “What is going in your mind?”
Are any introduction to meditation course offered in Toronto
We’re located in Florida, and are not familiar with the Toronto area. I did a quick Google search for “toronto zen” and this came up:
Best of luck finding a course!