“I have lived with several Zen masters — all of them cats.”
– Eckhart Tolle
Practice Meetings
Friday June 26, 7:00pm
This Week’s Koan
Gateless Gate #48, Book of Serenity #61
“One Road”
A monk asked Kempõ Oshõ,
“It is written, ‘Bhagavats in the ten directions. One straight road to Nirvana.’ I still wonder where the road can be.”
Kempõ lifted his staff, drew a line, and said, “Here it is.”
Later the monks asked the same question to Unmon, who held up his fan and said,
“This fan jumps up to the thirty-third heaven and hits the nose of the deity Sakra Devanam Indra.
When you strike the carp of the eastern sea, the rain comes down in torrents.”