Practice Meetings
Tuesday Oct 16, 8:30am
Friday Oct 19, 7:00pm
This Week’s Reading
Thich Nhat Hanh, Old Path While Cloud, Chapter 16, “Was Yasodhara Sleeping”.
This Week’s Koan
Gateless Gate #38: “Goso’s Water Buffalo”
Goso asked, “A water buffalo goes out of his ‘enclosure.’ The head, the horns, and the four legs go through, but why doesn’t the tail, too?”
Mumon’s Comments:
If you can open your one eye (to the question) and say an awakening word, you will be able to repay the Four Obligations and help the Three Bhava being saved. If you still have not gotten it, take a close look on the tail and awake yourself.
Mumon’s Verse:
If the buffalo goes through, he will fall into the abyss, If he retreats into the enclosure, he will be butchered. This little bit of a tail, that is a strange thing indeed!