– Wen Chao, The Clouds Should Know Me By Now
Retreat! On 2012 Sep 27-30, Zen Teacher Valerie Forstman will be leading a retreat at the Gainesville Retreat Center. More info at the Retreats page.
Practice Meetings
Tuesday Sep 11, 8:30am
Friday Sep 14, 7:00pm
This Week’s Reading
Thich Nhat Hanh, Old Path While Cloud, Chapter 11, “Moonlight Flute”.
This Week’s Koan
Book of Serenity #100: “Roya’s Mountains and Rivers”
A monk asked Master Kaku of Roya,
“The essential state is pure and clear. How are mountains, rivers and the great earth produced at once?”
Kaku said,
“The essential state is pure and clear. How are mountains, rivers and the great earth produced at once?”